I want to see the unseen!

I want to be more aware of God and perceive things that are happening in the spiritual realm around me (because God is always at work, even when we don’t see Him!)


Yesterday afternoon my phone greeted me with a bright white screen when I checked the time. I went through the usual home remedies: popped out the battery… turned it on and off~ nothing! I tried charging it, then tapping it, then shaking it, haha. But to no avail. It looked like the Brightest Flashlight app, and was totally unresponsive. 

I actually laughed out loud, totally at peace. 

The other day I heard a sermon on Balaams donkey, who had eyes to see the unseen. Balaam was an Old Testament prophet who went to prophesy against God's people, so God sent an angel to oppose him. As Balaam went, the angel stood in the road with his sword drawn to kill him, but Balaams donkey saw the angel and swerved off the road into a field. Balaam beat his donkey to get it back on the road because he could not see the angel. Then the angel stood in the road between two walls, so the donkey shied by on the side, crushing Balaams foot. In anger, Balaam beat the donkey again, unaware of the angels presence. Finally, the angel stood in a narrow pass, where there was no room to go around. When the donkey saw this, he laid down beneath Balaam, refusing to go forward. Balaam beat the donkey again because he only saw the donkeys responses to things occurring in the spiritual realm. In the end, the Lord opened Balaams eyes to see the angel who told him he would have killed him had the donkey not turned away. (You can read the whole story in Numbers 22:21-39).


I want the eyes of Balaams donkey. To Balaam, the donkey was being rebellious, but in reality, it saved his life. How many times are the things that frustrate us fueled by supernatural plans of the Lord to protect us, bless us, and destroy the works of the devil? 


With all this in mind, I Googled the symptoms of my phone and it didn't look good. White and black screens are generally unfixable, apparently. I knew there was a Verizon store near my work so I decided to go today during my break.

Then I completely forgot. 

On the trolly ride home, I passed the Verizon store, saw lights on, and suddenly felt the need to go right then. A few minutes later I met a super friendly Verizon rep who introduced himself as V. After taking a look at my phone, he sadly informed me that my only options were to buy a new phone or upgrade, neither of which I wanted to do. So I thanked him and walked out, laughing as I saw another trolly coming up Main Street. It was super cold out and I did not want to walk. 

When I got on, the Lord prompted me to tell my friend who was driving about my phone. Thinking that maybe he would have an extra one I could borrow I told him, and another passenger asked what was wrong with it. I pressed a button to show him and to my shock I saw the time and my friend Janelle's puppy in a sink~ the backdrop of my phone!! :). Speechless, then overwhelmed by joy I started praising Jesus on the bus as my two friends just laughed. 


So, here's a shoutout to V, if you end up reading this, my friend. I believe I came into your store for a reason and it's no accident that we met. Bless you and thanks for your help and kindness!

And for everyone else, I challenge you to see the unseen. Don’t get caught up in the things that happen around you, but rather ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see what He see’s. Everything is more beautiful through God’s eyes because He is good!

Father, I ask that you give us eyes like Balaams donkey to see what you see. Let us have trust in you even when we don’t understand and let us have peace to wait as you work all things together for our good. Even the things that the enemy intends for evil. In Jesus name I pray,



Happy belated Thanksgiving everyone. 🙂

