OK. I get it. After reading about it, hearing about it, watching it, and speaking it, I GET IT.

So, the other day I was reading “Just Like Jesus” by Max Lucado (great book..by the way) which talked about guarding our hearts and not letting just anyone in, or letting things like lust or anger in anytime they knock on the door of our hearts.
As I was reading about this, the song “Shine” begins to play on my IPod. The song lyrics are from Gods perspective and are about how He has a plan for us, that He wants us to trust him. 

The perspective changes and goes on to say..
          “There is going to be a wedding,
             It’s the reason that I am living,
             To marry THE LAMB…

I felt so convicted. About not being more picky.. about stressing about marriage and my future husband, what I want him to look, act, dress, and smell like. What I want him to believe, how many talents I want him to have, and how much of my criteria he should actually meet.
As if that wasn’t enough, I for some reason decided to watch “He’s Just Not That Into You”…
My thoughts throughout the entire movie were

WHY are people so obsessed with marriage and finding “the one”??..”
Why is every movie about happily ever after with the man of your dreams??”
Why does Justin Bieber just need “Somebody to Love”?”

“What’s with the obsession over LOVE?”

During youth group tonight, we split the guys and girls up and had a talk about relationships and how important it is for them to be godly, why its important and what it looks like. I didnt intend to do as much talking as I did.. but ive said it before and ill say it again.. WHEN GOD WANTS SOMETHING DONE, HE MAKES IT HAPPEN.

One question that was asked was 
"How can I be patient and trust Gods timing?"

I attempted to sit back and wait for someone else to answer, but the words just blurted out of my mouth..

"I know its hard to be patient. TRUST ME. I am the only single girl on my team and everyday I wonder why. Why does God have me in this situation? Why am I the only one? But i am slowly realizing that He has plans for me. He is using me in ways that He couldnt if I were in a relationship. He is teaching me things that I wouldnt be open to learning if I were in a relationship. I am learning that my timing is NEVER right. and that everything I ever thought I wanted or needed in a man was so different from what the Lord has planned for me. I am learning that His timing is so perfect.. knowing that I have the perfect man planned out for me makes it that much sweeter, and gives me peice of mind. Its not easy. but its worth it."

I realized tonight that God is not calling us to obsess about love from others. He is calling us to be obsessed over loving HIM and searching for His love. In that He may bless us with the perfect match.
He knows our hearts and He knows our deepest desires. He knows perfect timing.

Before I left for the world race, I literally received the “You need to get married, youre starting to look old” speech from my grandmother. But the Lord knows my perfect timing. I can obsess over love and marriage and “the one” for as long as I’d like.
But patience in the lords timing will make my life a whole lot smoother and my love a whole lot sweeter.

Themes for this month: TRUST & PATIENCE