Hi.  My name is Erin.  I grew up in eastern PA, went to school in NY then went to CA for a summer.  Turns out summer never ends out there and after 5 wonderful years, I just moved back.  Growing up, I attended youth group and got a strong foundation there.  At college, I accepted Christ and wanted to live for Him.  In California, I taught at a christian school where I was discipled too.  Also while teaching there and attending church, I met Casey.  We instantly became friends and that friendship has developed and grown into love and intimacy as we exchanged our vows this past August. 

     Casey grew up in the Rocky Mountains of CO.  While there he knew the Lord, but never pursued that lifestyle.  A year or two after high school, he wanted a fresh start and moved away to this exotic land of California.  Once there, found a local church and realized this is the new beginning he wanted.   He quickly made lots of friends through the different church ministries.  He has gone on several short mission trips down to Mexico, Coasta Rica and Uganda.  After his trip to Africa, Casey realized that mission trips were his calling.  I had never gone on a trip, but after talking to Casey and experiencing his excitement when he returned from Uganda, decided that I wanted to go on a trip too.  The following summer, I signed up and joined YWAM in the Philippines.  Both of us had our worlds rocked out on the mission field. We decided we wanted to go on one together, but realized that we should wait until after we were married.  We began searching for the right trip in June 2008 and stumbled upon the world race.  After praying for awhile, we decided to give it a try to see if this is where we were called.  By the end of August we were signed up and waiting to hear our acceptance.  After the wedding, we took an extended road trip across the country.  While on the trip, we were blessed to hear our acceptance and now are preparing to go on the World Race!