It’s a quiet Saturday evening after a long 55-hour work week. After crashing on the couch for a quick nap upon returning home from my shift, I decided to take the next step in prepping for the World Race. Time to research and get ready for a bunch of vaccinations. Nobody likes shots. But it is necessary all things considered.


When I was told I needed to research the vaccinations for each country and schedule to get them, I simply wrote it down on my to-do list and continued on to the next task. I don’t mind needles and was completely unbothered by the idea of having to get a couple of shots. The gravity of the situation did not sink in until this evening. I wrote down the names of all 11 countries and made a list of all the recommended vaccinations for the life threatening diseases that I will encounter at each location.


As I stared at my list it dawned on me… This is dangerous. It is going to take months just to prepare my immune system for the journey ahead. I am having to start a year in advance to arm my body with the necessary defenses just to drink water, eat food, and interact amongst the people and animals that I will encounter. This is absolutely terrifying!


I had to take a few moments to calm myself and count my blessings. Yes, this is very dangerous. But the Lord has equipped me with all the tools needed to face this danger head on. I have a strong healthy body with a great immune system. I have the best health insurance available as well as access to doctors and all the vaccinations and health care necessary to prepare for the World Race.


I will go with confidence.