so even before i left the states,  i was asking god  
why do you want me in mexico?    what do you want me to do while i am with the jan 07 world racers?    what is it that you want to do in my life?

but i have realized this week that those questions aren´t really as important as we make them out to be.    you see it´s not about what i do or don´t do while i am here.   sure the experiences i´ve had help me to be able to share with the group, but it´s not even about my experiences.   it´s about how those experiences have changed me, made me more into the person god has created me to be.   you see i have been a blessing not because of the things i have done or taught while here in mexic, i have been a blessing because i have been myself.   

i learned a lot just `sitting at the feet´of andrew, gary, seth, and bob the last few days.  as i served them, prayed with them, talked with them and listened to them.  
it´s not about doing, 
it´s about being

it´s not about dying everyday, 
it´s about living everyday.

the best gift i can give to anyone is to just be myself. to be the fullness of who god has created me to be. it sounds so easy,  yet i have lived most of my life trying to be someone that i am not,  trying to fit into the mold of the people around me.  but the truth is that a part of me is dying inside when i am not allowing myself to do all the things that i normally want to do.  i am ok with the fact that i will never be like everyone else,  and to be honest i am happy about that.   

so here and now i start living life to the fullest….  i am going to be myself everyday,  in every way,  no matter who else is around or what the circumstances might be.   i am no longer going to hide what christ has placed inside of me….   i am no longer to deprived the world of the gifts he has placed in my life….   i am no longer going to deprive myself of being free to be me