so i’ve been sitting here the last two days reading everyone’s blogs… quite a chore i must say…

god has been speaking to me some of the same things that he’s been talking to the racers about – the whole concept of
being rather than doing. he’s been speaking to me about this for quite awhile now, so i’ve had time to impliment it and really let it soak in…

so now the tables have turned once again… i am set back into the reality of the world.
i have decisions i must make. i must go back out and find a job (what do i want to do for the next few months?). i really do need to make a decision on
what i am going to do in
swaziland (am i going to help with the new training base aim is starting to buid or am i going to lead the june world racers?) ~
it’s come to the point where not having a specific answer just will not work anymore.

i sat down with one of my pastors yesterday and was challenged with some
tough questions: what is the long term affect/goal of these ministries (for the people they are reaching as well as for those involved), what are your long term goals, where do you want to be in 5 years, 10 years, how is what you choose to do now going to affect what you want to do in the future, how is it going to help you reach your future goals, what is it that you are wanting from us as a church to do…

the reality is, i don’t know. i’ve been seeking god for so long about what i am supposed to do, and along with that who he wants me to be…

so please pray with me and for me that i would begin to find the answers i’ve been looking for… that god would show me really clearly exactly where he wants me to ‘