well i’ve been home for a month… enjoying being home and being close to family and friends… it’s been a blast!    i’ve been working full time for See’s Candy (i have so much fun working with all the gals there! it’s one of those places you always look forward to going. it’s like being a kid in a candy store, oh wait – i am a kid in a candy store!).  i also spent sometime volunteering for Ronald McDonald House Holiday Cruise – we take care of all the wonder and majic as the families get to be together for Christmas Eve, it is always such a joy to bless someone else in absolute ubundance as we celebrate Christ’s birth.

tomorrow i start the adventure all over again…  i will take three different flights over night to go and join the world race 07 for their training in mexico. i am really looking forward to being around the new group of racers. i’ve seen their passion for the lost, their desire to love each other, and a glimpse of how much fun they are going to have while reading some of their blogs. i can’t wait to see and hear how god is going to use them on this amazing adventure that they are going to have with him.

so please pray for me as i join the world race 07 for the next month. pray that they get all the training that they need, that god will speak through the men and women who will be doing the training, finances, travel, safety, and that we have a lot of fun as we get to know each other and share the love of christ to everyone around us!

love and blessings,
