we are still living in san pedro, only now we are with the most amazing family! it is like the perfect christian – pastor family. the wife even makes clothes to sell to help support the family (the proverbs 31 woman!) and the husband gets up at 5am to go pick coffee beans before going over to san pablo where he is planting a church. spending time with the family has been amazing, they are a true testimony of the way that a christian family can live.
we had pastor antonio and his family tell us a little about the area before we started doing ministry. for the over 100,000 people who live around lake atitlan there are only 4,000 copies of the bible printed in their own language and they were printed 25 years ago. the suprising thing with this is that the churches only preach in spanish and have spanish bibles, but only about 5% of the people speak spanish. helping with this church plant is a great way to reach out to the people who have known about god, but have no way of getting closer to him. we have already met many people in the little town and grown to love them. god is going to do great things as we continue to minister and get to know the families that live in san pablo.
please continue to pray for us… we will be teaching – preaching about grace from the book of ephesians, playing basketball with the youth,  sharing in people’s homes, and will be singing on the radio today. we are asking god to tell us what he wants us to do for ministry each day – well we are asking a day in advance so that we can let the people we will be working with know what we will be doing. we have a great freedom to allow god to move in the way that he wants to. our time here is going to just slip by to quickly….
until next time,