well it has been five years since my last trip to hong kong and china! i can’t believe it was that long ago. hong kong is pretty much the same, but i have no idea what to expect in china. i will be in a different part of the country doing different things. but i am looking forward to the trip. at the very least i do know that i like the food, so i will not be going hungry : ) 

because china is a closed country to christianity and most religions i have decided not to blog while i am in china. this is not because i will be in danger, but to help protect the people that we will be working with and the people that we meet while in china. don’t worry though… this does not mean that there will not be any blogs. it just means that
while i am in china the blogs will be short and my mom will be posting them for me.

when we leave china and are in thailand i will sit down and put up several blogs and send out an update to everyone who is on my mailing list. so please be patient with me while i am in china. my mom will be incontact with me (via a seperate email account), so if you are worried about me or have any questions please feel free to chat with her – for those of you who know her anyways.

we have lots of travelling to do to get to the place we will be staying in china (over 50 hours!!). but it will be good to finally be there.

things to pray for:
safety, health, warmth (it’s cold!), finances, team unity, to hear God’s voice clearly, discernment, travel, travel from china to thailand the begining of april, no problems at borders (immigration – my passport says ywam all over it, not a good thing for trying to get into china), and great opportunities to share and disciple people.

thank you so much for all of your prayers! please do not forget about us as we are doing things that ‘shouldn’t be done’.  i will keep you as updated as i can.

until thailand…..
