Life at 13,
800 feet

Although we only had a few days in our tiny China Tibetan town, I fell in love with it. Our little town was at 13,800 ft.  It even snowed our very first day! Our accomodations were very ‘traditional’ – no heat, no running water (which means there is no shower either), the drop / squatty potty was outside (which meant that you got snowed on while going to the loo), and there was only electricity for three hours each evening.  Even though it was cold and quite rustic, it worked out very well for our little group. We actually enjoyed it! The living conditions brought us close together and made us appreciate the ‘wonderful’ hotels that we’d been in and those we knew we would be going to once again.

After our first night and some prayer, we felt like we were to make our way down the street and pray over the entire city.  It’s not a very big city so it would take only a few short hours.  So, the next day, that’s what we did. There was a stupa (Buddist monument) and Tibetan prayer flags at the entrance at both ends of the city. We walked around them as we sang worship songs and prayed.  It was a wonderful time of ‘proclaiming the land for the lord’. We left a few tracts at the different places and our hearts broke for the people who litterally walk in circles in hope of getting to nirvana.

We were desperately looking around the town and scanning the valley and mountains for a temple / monastary that we knew must be near by. There was a constant stream of monks walking through the streets, but even after asking we could never find the monestary.  That evening Lloyd met a young boy who could speak a littlebit of English. Lloyd was invited to his house, and after looking at a book of the area he saw a picutre of the monastary. Lloyd said we would like to visit it, and the kid offered his dad to drive us to the monastary the next day!

The next day we all went to his house and got into the back of a police car!! Yes, his dad is a cop!  We got a police escort to the monastery!

…. you will have to wait for the rest of the story… or just check out Chad or Lloyd’s blog as I am sure they are up with many picturees as well!
Love, blessings, and challenges from God