Team Concrete and the rest of the June teams are about a month and a half into this grand adventure into our lives and the lives of God’s creation.
  We are growing as a team and learning to seek God’s wisdom in our ministries.
  Several things have changed recently and it feels like we are really shifting gears for the first time.
  Our first long stretch of ministry (3 weeks of children’s camps) ended Friday, 13 July, and we’ve got about 10 days of open ministry.
  We have also sort of ended our tutelage under team Agapetos.
  As this shift occurs, it’s important for the June teams to begin to gain their own identity and to take ownership of God’s calling for each team.
  My prayer is for clear direction for each team as they fill every day with ministry and make it back safely to Alabanza for debrief.
  I think I’ll show off a few pics from the last few weeks.

 I call this one ‘Cooking Anguish’. 

This is me jamming in the market with a cool dude. 

 Yes, that’s
exactly what it looks like and it tastes
exactly what you might think!

And the kids… aren’t they cute!