First of all, there is another article in Relevant magazine that was written by Jeff Goins about the World Race. It features Eric Hanson, a racer from Jan 07 and a good friend of mine. We have been unable to bring up the full article online, so I would recommend picking up the paper copy. It’s a great magazine anyway. The WR is becoming a movement, and we are thrilled that the word is getting spread.
In other news…

The month I had in Puerto Cabezas was really cool; there was lots of hard work and lots of time to spend making friends with the children in the orphanage and the workers. I made a lot of really good relationships and got to be a disciple and encouragement to the guys rebuilding the town. The church and ministry there is really incredible and the Spirit of the Lord is moving in big ways. One kid, Ignacio, just turned 17 and has really been laid on my heart. I’m not sure what it all means just now, but I feel that I’ll be called to help him realize whatever dreams he has. (Ignacio is on the back right)

Our debrief has been amazing so far and the Pitts and Days have come through again with hugs, insights, and candy. We are really starting to focus on accelerating through the end of the Race and seeking what this will be the platform for. Gratefully, our accommodations are pretty cool and Jinotepe is a beautiful town.

As soon as we leave here (March 6th-ish), we will be collectively embarking on some serious and genuine ATL (Ask The Lord) time. This is where we will really put our faith and trust in the Lord to direct our paths. We are not going to be operating in our traditional team formats, but have instead grouped together according to like desires for the month. There are several different ideas and each one will be based to some degree off of Luke 10, where Jesus sends out the seventy. Please be in earnest prayer as we continue to put our trust in Him and truly walk by faith.