So this is my first of many blogs and I think it should somehow be special.  I’ll make it special by making it my first blog.  That’s a bit of circular logic but you get the idea.  Today I got re-aquainted with a great friend of mine from earlier in college and helped him move.  Then we ate with his family and I was absolutely drilled by them about WorldRace and AIM.  It was wonderful.  Just to be in an environment where people ask about God things is great.  I haven’t had that for close to a year and I’m glad to be back in a place that urges me in my walk. 

The other thing on my mind is the single reservation I have about this trip.  It’s not actually fear.  Its a daunting feeling.  I feel a bit overwhelmed already because I know there will be an enormous amount of preparation and I just need to tell myself that it doesn’t all need to be done at once.   Love.