Today I bought something at a store and gave the lady 100 Baht bill.  I recieved as change a one Dollar bill and 3600 Riel, which can only mean I’m in Cambodia and better finish up a blog or two about Thailand. 

The second part of Going Native is here to say that God is alive and moving in Thailand.  Several people, myself included, have been given very strong things from God concerning the spiritual revival of the Thai people.  I personally have been letting something simmer that God gave me on the airplane before even landing in Bangkok.  I noticed lines of clouds partially hiding miles of rice paddies in rows and God brought me the Scripture “by His stripes we are healed.” I know that Thailand will soon be healed.  I have no idea if I’m called to be a part of it or not, but it’s clear that the village we went to will be an amazing part of this rebirth… 

It’s pretty much standard on the WR that no matter how much we try and bless and minister to the people we meet, those blessings are returned to us many times over.  Its how the body of Christ works.  Most of the villagers are Christians and they were thrilled to have us come and visit.  It seems they were excited as us to really get immersed in their world, instead of only talking with them to argue over $0.80 in the price of a shirt.  We soon realized that this village would be no exception to the fact that blessings flow two ways. 

They love to pray.  They truly believe in the power of prayer and house calls were first on our agenda (after some tea, of course).  My goodness, did we pray.  On 4 different occasions we toured the village in prayer.  Going into homes and talking with them, blessing them, encouraging them and praying for them.  The pastors from this area have been praying for a true revival, for the Spirit to really move in the town.  We didn’t know this when our team really started to pray the same thing.  Going native doesn’t necessarily mean getting away from people.  For us, the Manistry team, it meant getting closer to both the Body of Christ and the Father.  Thailand will be healed and the Rummit village will lead the way… if we pray it into fruition.