Team Zion has survived another nearly harrowing bus ride to arrive in Battambang, Cambodia.  We are going to be here staying with University of the Nations/YWAM contacts for the next few weeks an getting involved with some of their ministries.  I’m afraid our days might be long and our nights might be early, so there may not be a lot of updates and that sort of thing.  We’ve been praying into Cambodia and are really expecting God to move in a big way for all of the teams. 

There is a tough evil to overcome in this country, with Buddhism again being so prevalent and the struggles the people still endure to overcome decades of violence and political instability.  We toured some temples and learned about the Khmer Rouge on our first day in Phnom Penh.  A visit to one main prison where the generals tortured and ínterrogated’ political prisoners, and then to the subsequent Killing Fields, brought a new respect and understand to the darkness that this region lives under.  Please pray for the Cambodian people; they need it.

There are 2 teams from Squad D ( Beloved One and 7:11) in villages about an hour from us and we hope to be able to see each other a little.  We’ve been really blessed to be able to spend some time with them recently. 

Please also keep our A and B squads in your prayers as they are in a closed country right now.