I am a seventeen year old girl living in the great city of Houston, Texas. Growing up my family and I moved around a lot, about six times actually. I’ve lived outside of Texas, I’ve lived in cities, in the suburbs, in the straight small country town. Everywhere. Because of this I’ve been to eight different schools and so I have grown to be social. Very, very social. But with senior year comes many questions such as: “Where are you planning to go to school?” and “What are you going to do with your life?” The conversation always gets interesting once I tell them that I’m headed on my God-given journey to a nine month mission trip starting in August. Someone once told me that I’d miss out on so much by “skipping” a year, but in fact, I am not. I am gaining so much by putting a pause on school, and letting God lead me to wherever he feels I am called. 

Growing up I had one brother, Colton, who is a year younger than me. We have always been pastor kids, and we loved it. We loved getting to watch our dad share the love of Jesus to so many people at camps, at church, wherever. When I was an older child, we were informed that we would be getting a new brother, who would come to live with us from Haiti. Wow! I was so excited. Speed past a couple years and my mom tells us she’s pregnant. Double wow! Growing up with Colton was fun but now we’d have more kids to play with! In a matter of six weeks we went from a family of four to a family of six. During this time I learned how to trust God in every situation, and it helped grow my faith a lot.

However, I wouldn’t be anywhere near the Christian I am today if it hadn’t been for an inspiring lady I met as a child, Karen. Starting from nine years old I followed her around everywhere, I watched as she loved on everyone, people with different shapes, colors, beliefs, her love knew no boundary. She taught me how to love even in the hardest of times, for if anyone knew tragedy it was her, and yet, she continued to praise God through it all. Unfortunately, she passed away a year ago due to cancer, but her unwavering faith for God still inspires me. The last thing she ever told me was: “I’m a millionaire because I know you.” I definitely would not be the person I am now if I hadn’t met her.

As a senior in high school it’s sometimes challenging to radiate God’s light wherever I go. I try to showcase his love through my many interests. I love performing for my school’s theatre department, I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember. I also love being with people. Children make me happy as well. I love being able to listen to their views on life, and I love their complete interest in everything. When I grow up I hope to be a first grade teacher, and possibly in another country teaching disadvantaged children.

Out of this upcoming year I can’t wait to see how my love for God will strengthen and grow, and I’m excited to see how his love radiates on the people of the countries that I’m going to. I chose the World Race as my mission field because I believe that it’s what God was calling me most to. Out of everything I heard about or read, I felt like the World Race was what I was needing to choose. During this time I would love your prayers for my journey. Whatever you feel that Jesus is calling you to pray, feel free to do so. I would deeply appreciate it. 

“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9