
If today is your first day on the world race here are some raw jumbled words I quickly wrote to you. Maybe somethings I would have benefited hearing one year ago.

 I hope they encourage you. Give you permission to laugh at what’s happening & take today a little less serious than it feels.


Everything is different this time around. You didn’t get training camp, or a parent launch, or all the things you probably had expectations for. That’s really hard, there’s no denying that. It’s tempting to focus on those things. I’m sure you’ve said “see you laters”, and are wondering how one is supposed to do that “well”. I’ll tell you right now. There is no right way! Hallelujah.


Lift your eyes and look at our radiant Jesus!!! Wow what you’re stepping into is HUGE and so much bigger than you. Congratulations you’ve said YES – the first of many.


As all (or at least me) of us felt about one year ago, you will be wondering how you’re supposed to be feeling, or what the right way to react to things are. THERE IS NO RIGHT WAY. Feel what you feel despite what those around you are feeling. If you’re really excited, be excited. If you’re maybe like “what did I do??!” feel that (everyone will feel this don’t worry haha) , if you’re kinda not feeling much but overwhelmed at the same time. Feel that. There is no pressure to be or feel or perform in a certain way for anyone. That’s the enemy sister.


Throw whatever you feel at the Lord, he can take it, he’s more excited than anyone for this day. He understands all these things in you without explanation, how cool is that. 


If I could tell myself something one year ago. It would be to just show up fully. The Lord knew what season you would be coming from, how you would be feeling, and what things you’re dealing with as you enter this season!!! SO THERE IS NO REASON TO HIDE THAT. So show up fully. That’s all the Lord could ask of you. That is all he IS asking of you. He’s not made of anxiety, or fear, or second guessing – so although you may feel any range of these things, that is not from Jesus. Show them to Him, hold open hands, and allow him to breathe life and truth onto them. All those things are normal human things to feel. You’re not the first one to feel that way, so if you need permission, this letter can be that.


 You sure as heck are not alone. I could sum up my advice to past baby racer Carissa in one sentence, it would be: GO BE LOVED BY JESUS, THEN OVERFLOW!!!!


That armful of stuff the Lord is speaking to you, whatever you’re repeating in your mind, how you got here. Sit down in the circle of people God has surrounded you with and just overflow. Show up. 

 The things you’re feeling, thinking, experiencing. All of it. Be loved then overflow onto others. ALSO knowing that “overflowing” has no expectation or set way it’s supposed to be. It’s not always being bubbly and being the one asking questions.

Maybe overflowing is being vulnerable, maybe it’s sharing hard feelings, maybe it’s asking for help.

Those are all things you were created with and all things God never asked to be “presentable” before expressing to your family. He is leading you to the garden, to new measures of life, to walk with him in the cool of the day. This process is a life long evolution back to God. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t happen overnight. It would be boring and less rich if it did. Be patient. We have this stuff called GRACE which covers us when we mess up. 


Oh friend, this is the most amazing journey you’re embarking on. God is about to show you infinitely more that you thought existed. It will be hard, sometimes frustrating, a lot of joy, more measures of freedom than the sea, and abundant love. Keep your eyes fixed on him, keep looking up, keep being humbled. keep digging in. Loneliness is a lie, one family combats. Helplessness is a lie, one exposed in worship. Anxiety is a lie, light overcame it. You are loved in his eyes, despite what you do!!! Despite how today is. PRAISE GOD FOR GRACE. 


I am proud of you. 


To the new world racer, 


Show up, be loved, overflow. 

– Carissa