Kumustaka Friends and Family, 

My Team an I have been in the Philippines officially two weeks now. Wow I realized that if I was doing a short term trip I would be preparing to go home but I am realizing that I have to prepare for a year long journey. 

The Philippines is full of interesting sights and smells. I have experienced eating whole fish and the oh so delicious pink hot dog soup which was super interesting. We have traveled like the locals on jeepnies and trikes, they pack as many people on as possible which makes for a hilarious ride with 7 girls on a 4 person trike.  

The best thing about the Philippines is what God is doing here. We are living and working with Kid’s International Ministries in a small community in Manila. This Ministry is home to 35 beautiful Children, all with their own stories of abandonment and abuse. When I hear what they have gone through I can barely believe it. When I look at the faces of the kids I can’t help be grateful to the people who live and work here faithfully. They give their lives to the kids and the community and they are nothing short of amazing and they have a Joy that is clearly from the Lord.


My team is loving working with the kids and other projects in the community. This Week we partnered with other World Racers to complete a cement path that leads to the school and church. The path was mainly deep mud and trash and over this week it has been turned into a usable cut-through

Thank you! I know you are praying for me and I cherish your encouragement and prayers.
Love you all