Mike willingly offered us the chance to serve by painting a few rooms in the church.
  Being that we just came from a week of painting, we are all practiced up and ready to go! Team L.O. is working around

so we bribed Josh with breakfast to come out and help.
  When we showed up in the morning, Josh, Ryan, Brienna, Annie and Joy were all ready to paint with us. We took a conglomeration of colors, spread out over the church and finished it all in one afternoon.
  In one room Katy gave us instructions to simply create a “warm” look to the room.
  So after putting all the color on the wall, I took my brush and looked at the great big canvas in front of me and let my A.D.D explode on the wall.
  I actually quite enjoyed my time!


We spent Sunday morning at our first English church service and met a multitude of missionaries working here in

  It was a great opportunity to hear the hearts of others and sharing our mission all at the same time.
  Sunday evening we feasted with the Watkins and some other friends.
  I kid you not, before me at the table was the best food I have seen this trip.
  Chicken, bread, salad, chips and dip, cookies and cake!
  It was a fabulous time of feasting and fellowship!

            Monday morning, we took off early in the morning to help with construction at a school 20 minutes away from us.
  When we arrived, work started with moving extremely heavy cement boards.
  When we finished with that it was off to digging holes.

            We dug out 3 holes 4 feet deep, beginning with shovels and finishing by scooping dirt with buckets.
  Sometime in the middle of the second hole, the dust began to bother my lungs a little but I figured it was probably bothering everyone and I would be fine.
  Near the end of our third hole I pulled my self out and sat aside working on getting my breath back.

Some time later, I began to struggle to find breath.
  About the time I began to get light headed and my face was going numb, one of the ladies from the school offered to take me to the clinic.
  James and I drove to the clinic and when we arrived my face was going completely numb and I was loosing feeling in my hands.
  The doctor told me there was nothing wrong with my lungs, but I needed oxygen and they didn’t have any.
  When we walked out to go to the next hospital, the team was outside waiting.
  We drove to the hospital, they hooked me up on oxygen and I sat in a room by myself for an hour.
  As I laid there I prayed in and out of falling asleep and eventually I recognized all the feeling was back in my body and I could breath.
  I flagged down a nurse; they took my first name and age and waved adios as I walked out the door

So I was in fact the first person on my team to make a trip to the hospital, probably much to your surprise.
  I have to say, that I never expected it to be for a lack of breath though.

Thankfully all is well up to now and we are once again planning on going to Panajachel early tomorrow morning.