I have many, many influences. Most of which are Christians, though some are not. Many of these individuals walk closely with God and others struggle to find a purpose in life. A few of them I see on a daily basis, others maybe once a year. While some relationships are at times seasonal, they are treasured
in eternity. Every one of these people has affected my life in a remarkable way.

However, I must tell you that it is the influence of a stranger that is so confounding. It only takes a brief smile, a simple act of kindness that can unleash the love of Jesus and turn your day around. The influence of an individual in a passing moment can leave a lasting impression that will not be easily forgotten. You may never get the chance to say thank you face to face, but thanks and praise be given to God for His divine inspiration.

I have been so encouraged to see Jesus in several people I don’t know. I only hope that all who come in contact with me can be blessed by Jesus as well. My prayer is to be a reminiscent of the influential stranger who has motivated me.