Yesterday was supposed to be a productive day to finish up all this blog stuff that I am frantically trying to take care right now.  I was supposed to go and stop in and say hi to the staff at NightLight (which I am now giong to rush to this morning as soon as I finsih this, before we leave) I was going to take it easy, sort through my stuff so I did’t have to stay up late and pack (like I was doing until after 1:00 am).
All of that went out the window when Jon and Eric found me at the internet and asked if I wanted to go to Ancient City with them.  In all honesty it sounded like a lot more fun than all my productive plans and they told me we would be home by 3:00.  So I decided to procrastinate on all that boring stuf and go.  I talked Emilie into joining us and putting all her chores off as well and we went. 

When we got there, our ticket price included Tandom bikes.  We tried out a 3 person bike in the parking lot for pictures sake. 

We rode our bikes around for 4 hours touring Thailand.  The park was over 300 acres with replicas of all the Ancient temples, ruins and more.  They were “miniature” models but they were actually really big and seemed life size.  The detail was amazing and in many ways pointless. But it was cool to go and see all the things we didn’t go see while we were here.

This is Jon and Eric riding the horses. 

Emilie and I looking like snakes???? uhh I dont know?

A purple bridge. I like to state the obvious.

I think to this tourist we may have been more of an excitement to here than the entire park. 
A group of them came up to us and asked if they could take pictures with us. It was hillarious, allthouh it was not the first time this has happened. 

Emilie, Jon, Me and Eric on the top of the mountain.

Well Thats it for Thailand!