Dear Family and Friends,

I hope you are doing well.
  Happy New Year!
  I wanted to share what has been going on in my life lately.

This past year has brought many changes to my life, particularly to my career.
  After living and working in New York City with no idea why God brought me here, I began working in theatre and pursuing a career in stage management.
  It has been a joy, and an amazing learning experience!
  Moving to New York was a huge step out of my comfort zone – being away from my friends and family, searching for my first apartment (and not to mention trying to navigate the subway system!), and building my career have all been challenging, but also rewarding, and after a few months, life in the city became easy and comforting.

This past fall, I felt the Lord calling me to a life that is not about me, and not about feeling comfortable.
  Living where we are comfortable is of course desirable, but it is once we move outside of our comfort zone that we begin to see our true selves, we can grow and change.
  There are so many people in the world without comfort, without security.
  God has opened up an opportunity for me called the World Race, where I can step outside of my comfort zone, to go around the world bringing comfort and the love of Christ.

So, I am abandoning it all, jumping and taking a risk.
   As a guest speaker in college once said, “No one ever gets to the end of their life and says, ‘I wish I’d played it safer.’”
   I’ve decided to listen to my elders and do just that – play this game of life a little risky.
  The World Race involves Teams of 5 to 6 people, which go around the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. For 11 months, we will be doing anything and everything, from working in orphanages, planting churches, and doing disaster relief.
  Some of the countries we will be ministering in include South Africa, Botswana, Uganda, Croatia, Russia, and India.
  I’ll be selling the majority of my possessions, purchasing a backpack and living out of it for a year!

I have no doubt that God will use me this year; I know that He will change me. I am asking YOU to be used as well, to be radically changed. There are several ways you can join my team and be a part of The World Race with me, if you would like to get involved I have included a list of needs for the following year.
  I love you all very much and am so blessed that you are a part of my life.

Love, Cameron

My needs and ways you can participate and help:


Encouragement – Please visit and subscribe to by clicking on “Subscribe to My Blog!” Throughout the year I will be posting pictures and journal entries. Please take time to check in on me and to post comments, send me pictures from home, send your love and prayers.

Prayers – Please keep me in your prayers. Many of you are prayer warriors and have the gift of intercession. If that is you, please commit to scheduling one day per week to set aside time to pray for me in 2007. Pray for my team, for the people we have met, and the divine appointments still in front of us.

Financial Support – I do need your help, it can be $5 or $5,000. Myself, and each of my team members, must raise a minimum of $6,500 prior to leaving in June to cover basic expenses such as travel, food and housing.
   We also need to raise an additional $650/month over the following year.
  A number of you have expressed interest in giving monthly.
   If you would like to do this, please contact me directly.

To make a tax deductible donation please click on “Support Me” at
  Or, you can fill out the enclosed card and send it in.
  You can best support me by making donations as soon as possible, and please let me know the date and amount of your donation so that I may track all funds appropriately and thank you personally.
I have enclosed a response card and pre-addressed envelope, which invites you to share in this ministry.
  Please make checks payable to
Adventures In Missions.
  You may write “appealed by” and my name in the memo section of the check if you wish. Including the enclosed card will provide AIM with all necessary information.
  In turn, they will send you a receipt.
  All gifts are tax-deductible.

Other donations/items: frequent flyer miles, international cell phone/minutes, satellite phone/minutes, portable GPS, camping equipment.

Many of you are Christians and share my mission to follow in Christ’s footsteps. Please prayerfully consider your role in the Kingdom and how God is calling you to join this World Race with me by offering your encouragement, prayers or financial support.

Some of you may not share my belief in Christ, but you do believe in me, and share my desire to make a difference in this world!
  Those of us participating in The World Race will be a voice for so many who have no voice.
  Please carefully consider joining my team, add your voice, in whatever way you are willing and able.
  We are blessed, that we might be a blessing!

Many of you have large spheres of influence; please pass this letter on to your friends, your family, your church, your colleagues so that they may all have the chance to join the race with us!

I assure you, what we are creating here will spread, it will be contagious, we are going to radically alter peoples lives… we will radically alter your life, if you will let us. Are you ready for the race?
  Will you join my team?