So I’ve had the same bio up for almost 4 years, from when I was first accepted to the World Race and began journeying down the path God had set before me. Obviously much has happened in those past 4 years, and so I feel I must update my bio section!
Well…I’ve been a lot of places in past few years, and yet somehow I still feel it is not enough, or I could have done more. But God is teaching me rest and He’s teaching me how He’s working through me, wherever I am, even when I don’t see it.
I grew up in Charlotte, NC, and after graduating from college I moved to NYC with a heart for the lost and a dream to work in the entertainment industry. As soon as I began making headway in stage management off-Broadway, God called me to the World Race and I moved out of the city. I had never felt called to overseas missions before, but going on the World Race broke me of a lot of things and expanded my understanding of what God can do in and through me; though I can do such work in America (and we all know America needs Jesus!), I suddenly felt more comfortable and excited about being international!
After the World Race I got a job on a golf course back in Charlotte (yep, I’m a beer girl…) which is not my calling but has been such a blessing because I have the freedom to revolve my work around my life, instead of the other way around! I also get to work with an AMAZING youth group at a church that was handpicked by God for me, be a part of an wonderful community of believers in Charlotte, and am currently working with a friend on her vision for a “non-cheesy” Christian theatre company!
In June I was a team leader in Haiti with the World Race relief trip, and right about the same time God showed me the human trafficking trip. I tried for some time to ignore that He may be calling me to leave everything AGAIN, but I know it is a ministry and a calling I am passionate about and am getting more excited to embark upon each day!
A few other things about me:
  • I dream big, but have no idea how to make some of my dreams become a reality, and am praying God will send the right people into my life to partner with me on them!
  • One of those dreams is to own/run a coffee shop in some non-Western country that also partners with a ministry (sex trafficking perhaps?)
  • I love spontaneity in theory, but in reality it brings me no greater joy than to schedule things in my planner (I’m like a crazy “J” on the Myers-Briggs)
  • I’ve run 2 half-marathons and my goal is to run a full marathon before I’m 30, although I’ve stopped running for the past few months and would probably be limping through a 5K at this point!
  • I love cities. Especially New York and Seattle. Probably because I love to be busy and can’t sit still, and so I can always find something new and different to do in cities!
  • I also love nature. I went to college in the mountains and love camping, hiking, jumping on rocks, rock climbing, swimming, etc.
  • I am obsessed with Chicago (the musical – on Broadway, not the film), and Friends
  • I hate to be dirty and I hate to be hot (two things I learn to let go of when traveling overseas!)

“In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now.” -Philippians 1v4-5