I am a few minutes away from leaving San Jose to head south, to an indigenous reservation near Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. Eight of us will head down together to help build a new home for a family, begin work on a children’s area at a church, dig a well, and whatever other work or teaching is needed. A few of us will also go from there into Panama to begin set up and make ministry contacts for later this summer. I am so excited to have this opportunity to live among the Costa Ricans, to love on them and learn from them!

However, during the 11 days that we will be gone I will miss out on much. So…

Happy Birthday Emmers, my half-birthday twin! I love you!

Welcome to the world Caleb Larson! I can’t wait to meet you!

Happy Mother’s Day Mom! You’re the best (and I don’t mean that in the cheesy, greeting card way)

Happy Birthday Colleen, Megan, and Molly! Can’t wait to beat a pinata with you all in a few weeks!!

Welcome back Sarah Lapp! Sorry I can’t be here to greet you with a big hug and a sloppy kiss, but I’m so glad you’re back and can’t wait to spend the next two months with you!!

Happy wedding Lindsey and Matt! Congrats!

Goodbye Mark! Your family is so blessed to have you with them again, and I will miss you and pray for you, and can’t wait to see you again at debrief!

Please be in prayer for Aaron, Brandon, myself, Christie, Jackie, Jenn, Krystle, and Lindsey as well as for the people we will meet over these next 11 days!