Hello everyone!

Over the past year and a half, I have been blessed and fortunate enough to graduate from the University of Illinois and start a career with Target. However, since the spring semester of my junior year in college, something has been missing. During that semester, I began applying for internships that I hoped would lead to a great full-time job. I was able to finally land an internship that summer, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that the path I was on was not the path that God intended for me. Still I pressed on and despite having these doubts, I accepted a full-time job with Target in the fall of my senior year. It has now been 2 years since I accepted the job, and although I enjoy the job, I still question whether or not I am doing what God would like me to do.

Three months ago, I voiced these concerns to my best friend and his wife, two amazing individuals! They gave me a book to read that they thought would help me through this internal debate, and they were absolutely right! God spoke to me more powerfully than I ever thought possible! Upon completion of the book, I knew that I couldn’t continue living “my version of the American dream” as the book talked about, but rather I needed to abandon the distractions that tied me to my current life and go out to love and serve the world. A few days later, I was praying about how I should go about this, and I remembered a video testimonial that I had seen at Rockford First, the church that my family and I attend. The testimonial featured a girl discussing all that she had been through in her own personal journey, and how God had led her to a mission trip called “The World Race”. I looked the trip up and immediately felt that this is how God wanted me to start this lifelong journey with him. I applied, was accepted, and after a lot more prayer, decided to commit to doing The World Race!  

The World Race is an 11 month Christian mission trip to 11 countries around the world. One of the unique things about the World Race is that it’s not only a mission trip but also an intensive discipleship program designed to help its participants find God’s purpose for their lives. On the World Race, my team and I will serve in partnership with churches and ministries around the world, preach the Gospel, work in orphanages, minister to women and children trapped in prostitution as a result of human trafficking, and bring the restorative hope of Jesus’s love to many tribes and nations.

I will face many challenges throughout the World Race, but as I prepare for my departure, one of my greatest challenges is my financial support. World Race participants are required to fundraise financial support in order to cover food, lodging, transportation, and other ground expenses. In order to leave fully funded on 01/01/2017, I need to raise $16,617. This money will cover all of my field expenses for the 11 months of the trip. As I take this large step of faith in trusting the Lord, I would be incredibly grateful if you would prayerfully consider helping me embark on this life-changing journey! If you have any questions, please call/text me at 815-757-1482, email me at [email protected], or comment below. Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope that you will be a part of this journey!