Jesus said to Simon“Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch”.

And Simon answered “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets” And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking.” Luke 5:4-6

Peter regarded Jesus as his ‘commander’ or ‘leader’ by referring to Him as Master, and though Jesus by trade was a carpenter and Peter the fisherman- he did not question the command which would seem foolish; to cast the nets again, after much failure. He didn’t make excuses or disputes of why they shouldn’t do such a thing. He said “at your word I will let down the nets…”  Peter only let down his nets because He believed in Jesus not because the circumstances were favorable.  

When the Lord sends His word, when it is Him directing the work, no matter how unlikely the circumstances, it will be blessed. I don’t want to prematurely wrap up my nets or miss a harvest by defaulting to what might seem like logical excuses instead of obeying the word God has given me.

I want to be like Peter who believed in Jesus and not in the impossibility or the unlikelihood of his circumstances. 

I’m about 6 months into support raising for Guatemala and I’m about halfway towards my goal in monthly commitments. We can take a praise break for that one!




But I now have 3 months before my planned launch, to raise the remaining 60(ish)%. I can’t tell you how many times in this process I have been told that the best way to fundraise is to meet people face to face. And wow do I wish more than anything I could be doing that. However God has ever so sovereignty crafted my timeline and schedule in such way that heart to hearts over coffee aren’t super feasible. I absolutely believe that relationships are the core to forming a support team and that meeting with friends and family is a wise, honoring, and effective way to invite people into partnership. But God has and is challenging me to trust and believe that it is not the only way. And friends, is it hard. To be dealt the uncommon hand. The one that doesn’t look as easy. (But I won’t get caught up in how we shouldn’t get caught up in comparison this time. That’s not what this is about. )

Today I felt God tell me the same thing He spoke to Simon “Go into the deep, cast your nets again”  

Now I’m obviously no fisherman but I am in a boat with Jesus, I’ve sailed pretty far into the sea following His word to go. Now I’m out here and I don’t have nets but I do have a support account in need of some supernatural filling. But through those words to Simon, God encouraged me to launch into deeper trust and to keep going. To keep trying. To keep working. To keep praying. To keep asking and inviting.

“Believe in me.

Believe in the reality of my love for you.

Look away from the physicality of your circumstances.  

Those that might trip you or lie to you that what I’ve promised will fall short of fullfilment because______ and because _____.

Choose to walk this out by faith over sight. “

I lastly want to share the next verse; ” They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both boats, so that they began to sink. (v7)

My prayer today is that God would pour out His blessing so much so in this process that it would require all of us to carry the weight of it. That we would all become recipients of His hand, as one body. We are blessed to become a blessing. And that’s where my hope will stay. That it isn’t about me or you; or for me or you. But it’s about what God will do through our weakness’s. Through the courage He gives us, would we submit our humble yes to be his vessels that spread His goodness and blessing to all people.    


Interested in becoming a blessing to not only myself but also the world race gap squads and Guatemalan churches I will be serving? Click the Donate button on the top of the page to become a monthly partner