For the last 8 1/2 months I have had the privilege of being an honorary member of two teams, and for the last 4 months for another team. This blog is dedicated to those teams. Band of Brothers, Boulders, and Huzzah you have all taught me more and more about the heart of the Father. Each member has taught me what it means to love unconditionally and to put others before yourself. Each team has shown me what it means to dig deep and trust in the Lord, even when it is hard. You have all given me some hard, but the most valuable, feedback. And met me there with so much grace in those moments. You all have taught me what it means to have so much joy, and that life is so fun when you can laugh about it. 


ALL of you have taught me so much. Through the good and that bad. 


One of the biggest honors of my life thus far is being able to be such a part of every single one of your lives. 


Band of Brothers,

My dudes. This journey, from beginning to end, I have seen the Lord mold and shape each and every one of you from boys into men. You guys have set the bar high for what it means to be a man of God that loves one another, and loves the women you are surrounded by. You have given me so many stories that I will be telling for so many years to come, and I will brag on the 8 guys that I got to spend 9 months of my life with. You men have accepted me as one of your own, and given me so much freedom to be the leader and friend the Lord made me to be. 

I have been so blessed by you! 



It hasn’t always been easy. It hasn’t always been comfortable. But what it has always been is a gift. From that day in Myanmar when I became your squad leader I felt welcomed to be a part of what the Lord was doing in and through you as a team. You guys taught me what it means to choose in to the hard things (Like living in Mae Ai), even when you might not want to. You have shown me so much about reconciliation and depth and rejoicing in the Father’s love. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of half of your guy’s race! 

I have been so blessed by you! 



My Huzzomies. Since training camp one thing you guys have taught me is how to find joy in the little moments and to roll with the punches no matter what. You guys have been a team of encouragement and pushing me in my leadership since the beginning. Whether it be feedback, or just simple words of life, you have not let me settle for anything less than my potential as a leader and friend. You women have shown me what authentic community looks like, even when you may not like each other all the time. Thanks for always being so excited to tell me everything that happened to you all each and every day. 

I have been so blessed by you!



I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. This community is a glimpse of heaven each day. There have been so many times, especially within the last few weeks, that I have looked around and tears come to my eyes because of how grateful I am for this group of humans. 


GAP T, you guys are one of the greatest gifts of my life! 


I love you guys! 


In Him,
