I have been getting a lot of positive encouragement since announcing my future plans to serve with A21 this fall. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me thus far and those who have chosen to sponsor me in this next season. The purpose of this blog is to answer questions you might have for me, or questions I have been getting since announcing this internship! Hope you find this helpful(:


What is A21?


Well I am glad you asked! A21 is a non profit thats goal is to end human trafficking. Their goal is to:

– Prevent people from being trafficked

– Protect and support those who have been trafficked

– Prosecute traffickers, and strengthen legal responses to trafficking

– Partner with law enforcement, service providers and community members to provide a comprehensive front against trafficking


Who started A21?


Christine Caine and her husband Nick began A21 in 2008. Since then, 12 offices world wide have been established along with safe houses for people who have been rescued from trafficking.


Why A21? How did God confirm this?


Back in my Biola days I was introduced to A21. I had a few classmates who would help at conferences they put on, we would sometimes have speakers from the organization speak at chapel, even during our missions conference representatives from A21 were present.


This year on the World Race, I was given the chance to see for myself what it is like in the red light districts. Month 6 my team was in Thailand and we had bar ministry. Every night we would go into these bars and build relationships with these women. I had to watch men grope my friends, watch them get drunk because it was ‘part of their job’, and wear tight dresses in certain colors or themes. I remember countless times sitting on bar benches with these new friends as I heard there silent plea. The Lord told me in those bars, “Now that you have seen, what are you going to do?” I began looking into A21 again. It had been a few years since I had been to their website. I began looking at their employment page and they had no job openings. What they were taking applications for was their Fall Internship. Y’all…I went back to that website every day in Thailand. I read the word ‘internship’ probably a hundred times. I remember thinking, “an internship….as in unpaid…as in no money…AGAIN.” How silly and foolish?! In that very moment, I was putting a price on those women. I was just as bad as the men purchasing them. How on earth could I think that fighting for them on behalf of THE LORD, some how wasn’t worth it if I wasn’t getting paid?! It was in that moment the Lord woke me up and said, “Do you trust me?” My mind then saw the picture of me just a year ago on the World Race website. I saw myself shaking my head saying, “I have to raise almost $17,000…there is no way the Lord is calling me into this”. Thankfully the Lord is patient. He spoke to my heart in such a tender way, reminding me to just be obedient and that he would provide.


So, I applied for A21. I asked the Lord to send me a sign that this is where he was leading me. So, He responded…via email. Well, technically Lis did. After lots of prayer and talking to my support team, I sent in my application and references. Within a few days I got an email from A21. It said the typical, “We received your application, will be setting up an interview blah blahhh………..By the way, this is Lis!” I was so confused…so obviously I kept reading, duh. “Also, my name is Elisabeth. We worked together at Biola’s Mission Conference in the Deaf awareness room several years ago…It has been so cool to see all your Instagram pictures from your World Race. “ If you are anything like me, your mouth might have dropped to the floor right now. THAT my friends was not just a coincidence. That was God in such a clear way to me! But, being me, I wanted more conformation haha.


I set up my interview and prayed more. It was in Cambodia that I had my official video interview. It was there I heard even more of the heart behind A21. I listened to how the team in the office celebrates every time someone is rescued, how they pray together, the community, and most importantly, how Jesus is SO present. Then, the question came that I knew was most likely coming…”Why are you applying?” My voice began to shake as pictures of my friends dancing in the bars, being groped by customers flooded my mind. “Because even for the one, it is worth it. If my heart breaks this much, then God’s heart is shattered for those who are trafficked”. Pretty sure we were both crying during the interview haha. We talked for over an hour and I just had such peace that this was where God was leading me next. Few weeks went by and I got the email that I had been accepted!


Fast forward to The Philippines…PVT (Parent Vision Trip) to be exact. The Lord has funny timing. When I heard that PVT was going to be in the Philippines… I was disappointed. I wanted it to be in AFRICA at an orphanage with my parents (so basic I know). But no…the Lord had our PVT in the red light district. Both my parents flew out to do bar ministry. It is one thing to tell stories of why you are passionate about something, but it is another thing for the most important people in your life actually see and experience it with you. The Lord knew my parents needed to see this. He knew that their hearts would break like mine had. He knew that this could be a game changer. He knew.


These are just a few examples of how I have seen the Lord confirm this next season, so I hope you rejoice in His goodness as I am! (Sorry the response to that question was long).


Why are you fundraising?


The fun thing about missions is it is usually requires fundraising. Can’t spell fundraising without fun right? I DID NOT want to fundraise. But, the Lord reminded me to be obedient. In Cambodia, a bunch of squads who are on the Race met up for a conference called Awakening. Some squads were in their 4th month, others 10th, some were World Race alumni. Just a bunch of missionaries in one place. I had just been accepted to this internship and was in prayer about how I was going to afford this. How do I drive a car to ministry every day if I can’t afford the car, gas, or insurance? How would I eat food to get nutrition to wake up every day to go to ministry? How would I pay for contacts to even SEE once I got off the field? How how how? In perfect God fashioned, he sent me 3 random individuals to speak into me about fundraising. I didn’t tell them about my internship, yet they spoke to me about fundraising and the Lord providing if we agree to be obedient. I was so amazed that God hand selected 3 people and spoke through them to me! They reminded me of the opportunity of inviting people into this space so that they too could make a difference in human trafficking. They reminded me of all the people supporting me now overseas who would jump at the opportunity to continue to partner with God and his mission! Over and over again the Lord answered my doubts. So yes, I am fundraising! I want to extend the opportunity to my community to do missions with me. Realistically, I cannot do missions alone. It is a group effort. I would love to serve somewhere and get paid, but right now, that isn’t what is happening. Maybe in the future, but all I want to do is be OBEDIENT.


So you are doing an internship…as in answering phones and grabbing coffee?


Haha as much as I would love to serve the staff in the A21 office, there is a TON of things that go on to make a non profit run successfully. There is media outreach, training school teachers how to spot if a student is being trafficked, conferences, donation relationships, events, and global support. That is just to name a few of the ways the staff at A21 is making a difference to end human trafficking. I encourage you to go their website and check out all the things they are doing around the world. This office is 1 out of 12. It is one of the global offices which means often times, A21 staff from all over the world are flying into THIS office to have meetings and brain storm. So no, I probably won’t be doing coffee runs every day. I loved being able to talk to my friend Lis about the internship program. She encouraged me that you are part of the team, and not just a ‘lowly intern’ that media portrays in Hollywood.


How can I support you?


Emotionally, I will be coming home from being overseas and will still be processing everything. I am so excited to jump into this opportunity but will still need my community to have coffee dates and ask hard questions about the World Race. I think the biggest mistake I could make is closing that chapter of my life without processing everything I saw and learned. As you read above, I am raising financial support. I haven’t had any income this last year because of serving overseas. Any financial support will help contribute to transportation, insurance, health necessities, and ultimately getting reestablished in America. If there is something you are particularly passionate about and want to donate to that area directly, please let me know! I am planning on sending out a financial report after the first month to be completely transparent on finances so that you know where your donations are going directly. The amount I am fundraising for is an estimation based off of what I can think of on the top of my head, but it could easily change considering I have no clue what gas prices are, taxes in CA, etc. Missions is something I am planning on doing the rest of my life, so if you love partnering with missionaries and seeing the work of the Lord being done, this is such a sweet opportunity for you!


How long is this internship?


I will be interning for 6 months from August – January. I honestly don’t know what the Lord will call me into after these 6 months, maybe a new opportunity at A21, or maybe a different route of missions. Regardless, I want to live my life with God, walking in obedience. I will definitely keep you up to date on where the Lord is leading me.


Where will you be interning?


The office I will be interning at is in Costa Mesa, CA. From Whittier where I will be living again, it is about 60 miles round trip every day. It is a full time internship Monday-Friday (9am-5pm).


How does sponsoring you work?


Within the last few weeks of announcing this internship, I have announced that I am looking for sponsors. These financial sponsors would help support me over these next 6 months. So far I have had 13 people agree to sponsor me! These people have committed to $25 a month for the next 6 months. If the Lord is moving you to support me, and you can only give $5 a month, that is still so appreciated! Or maybe you have a gas gift card sitting in your desk drawer you haven’t used…that is perfect as well! Anything helps and I am so thankful for the support and prayers!