Life is busy and full of interruptions. Chances are as you read this blog, something or someone will interrupt you. Maybe it will be your kiddo wanting lunch to be made or maybe it is your phone buzzing to let you know you have a notification.

But have you ever noticed that in Jesus’ ministry you never see the detailed outline of his teaching schedule for the day… but rather you see the interruptions that came as Jesus preached and traveled. 

Like in Luke 5 when four friends lowered their paralyzed buddy through the roof. Jesus was simply preaching inside of the house and then all of a sudden the ceiling is getting busted in and a human body is being lowered through. I don’t know what Jesus was teaching about that day, but He offered hope and healing for the man. Or when Jesus was leaving Jericho and Blind Bartimaeus started shouting at Him because he knew the Son of David was around (Mark 10). There are so many accounts in the Bible, where we find the Messiah being interrupted. 

Even Jesus’ interruptions were interrupted. 

Like in Mark 5 where Jesus stepped off the boat and a large crowd met Him on the shore. In that crowd was a man named Jarius, who had a daughter that was dying. Jesus agrees to take a detour to his place, and as He is walking to Jarius’ house, His robe gets tugged on. A woman who has been bleeding for twelve years needs healing and she believed Jesus was the only one who can help. Jesus stops, and heals her… then goes on His way to Jarius’ house to raise his little girl from the dead.

I’m trying to get better at being interruptible. I’m thankful God still gives me opportunities to say yes to interruptions. It is an area in my life I want to do a better job of cultivating definitely stepping back into America. 

Story time. 

I was on my sabbatical last week in San Antonio getting to decompress the Race with my bestie. It was one of our last days there and we were in the pool. We had made our way to the shallow end so we could sit in the water while still sunbathing. We met a lady who wanted to hear about our trip, so we were sharing all that the Lord did this past year. We were in deep conversation, and then all of a sudden a little four year old girl comes swimming over. I thought she was just going to pass right through us and be on her way, but no… she stops right in front of me. She says, “HEY!” I immediately start laughing, but say a quick hello in return wanting to get back to my conversation with the very kind lady. But Paisley was not having it. She wanted to chat. So we chatted for the next 45 MINUTES! We talked about her super powers, Pokemon, her family, and Jesus. 

Paisley didn’t walk away changed that day because I talked to her. Shoot, she told me Jesus was (1) a girl and (2) once I told her the Jesus I knew was a boy… She told me that He was getting married tomorrow. But I do believe that Paisley was seen and heard that day in the pool. She just wanted a friend, and I got to be that for her. I got to show her Jesus… because my Jesus, stops and listens. 

And Jesus used those 45 minutes, with a four year old little girl who thought she was a mermaid and snuck into portals at night to fight Pokemon, to speak to my heart. He said, “I seek YOU out Cait! I want to chat with you. And when we do, we will dream and laugh.” 

Interruptions can be a blessing. I am choosing to believe each interruption is Jesus in disguise speaking to my heart and allowing me to partner with Him in ministry. Embrace the interruptions my friends and lets watch how the Lord moves. 

Papa, help us to be people that embrace the interruptions in life. Whisper Your secrets to us. Give us patience. Give us Your eyes to see each interruption as an opportunity to put Your love on display. Give us the desire to participate in what You are doing in the lives around us. Make us more like You.