Being on the World Race for 8 month now, you learn a lot. Some lessons you learn the hard way and others you get learn along the way.

My team and I sat around the table and compiled a list of all the mistakes we’ve made that we hope future racers will avoid. May the force be with you as you make your own mistakes. Remember… what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.




  • Eating Indian food before a travel day (it will hit you at the most inconvenient time)
  • Allowing a child to rub their head on yours (you will get lice 7 times out of 10)
  • Washing your clothes a day before travel day (you will smell like an ancient artifact just dug up from 13AD)
  • Not carrying toilet paper/baby wipes everywhere you go (believe me, you do not want to use your hand in a dire situation) 
  • Not washing your fruit (parasites are a real thing) #pedrotheparasite
  • Getting your nose pierced in India (they will not only use an ear piercing gun but your diamond will be an actual earring)
  • Not bargaining at the market (always go halfsies)
  • Running in Ho Chi Minh (it will be a live game of Frogger)
  • Eating jackfruit (it’s like eating a fart)
  • Not bringing earplugs and an eye mask (people snore and lights are always inconveniently on) 
  • Not downloading Google Translate, Google Maps, Uber, and Venmo (just trust me, it will save your life) 
  • Not getting a Charles Schwab card (living for the end of the month to get all the transaction fees reimbursed) 
  • Playing cards in Thailand (it’s illegal)
  • Packing your knife, multitool, or travel spork in your daypack (TSA will make you take everything out just to investigate) 
  • Not buying a sleeping bag liner (the world is dirty, so just get a buffer between you and it) 
  • Not buying a sea to summit airporter (you literally NEEED THE STRAPS)
  • Eating funky street meat (is it chicken or dog?)
  • Friending locals on Facebook (your phone will blow up at all hours of the night)
  • Leaving your snacks in the open (your teammates or rodents WILL eat it)
  • Not labeling your stuff (headphones, chargers, peanut butter, etc)
  • Sharing a charger… ever (it will disappear)
  • Breaking out snacks in front of people (“hey can I have some?”)
  • Not locking the squatty potty door (ain’t nobody wanna see that)
  • Wearing your backpack on your back in the market (petty thief is real)
  • Not knowing the exchange rate (you will become very poor very quick)
  • Keeping all your money in one pocket in the market (don’t let the robber get away with just one swipe) 
  • Not having passport photos (you’ll need them for random things)
  • Not downloading Spotify premium before leaving the country (14 days of the free crap will not last your entire race)
  • Not having a passport copy (you’ll need these as well, randomly) 
  • Not pulling your maxi skirt up when using a squatty (you don’t want that on you)
  • Packing anything other than neutral- color scheme… (it is everything, so versatile)
  • Swimming in any body of water in Africa (#hellogiardia)
  • Not getting an actual protective phone case (kids are your worse enemy)
  • Not getting lasik (youngins’ take it from someone older… get this as a graduation present. I promise you, you won’t regret it)
  • Buying a crappy sleeping pad (don’t skimp, it’s your bed for 11 months)
  • Buying an expensive tent (you’ll use it for only a hot second) 
  • Not coming with tattoo ideas (trust me, you‘ll end up getting one)
  • Thinking there’s no coffee abroad (it’s universal) 
  • Thinking you’ll lose weight on the race (carbs will always win that battle) 
  • Coming here to find a husband (foreign or other)
  • Not bringing a lice comb (see tip two above)
  • Not bringing extra headphones (they will break or mysteriously get stolen)
  • Engaging in petty theft (#jackspillow #justicefortate)

You can do it! We believe in you!