May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
Romans 15:5-7
This verse was my prayer going into Training Camp. The devil ain’t slick and I know that he loves to divide. So with H Squad being a fairly large squad, I was worried that unity was going to be an issue and an area where he would try to attack. Leading up to Training Camp I was praying against division and so was the rest of my squad. And y’all, lemme tell ya, the power of prayer is REAL. From a worldly perspective, we have no business to act in such unity. We come from all over the country. From Hawaii, to Iowa, to Michigan, to Tennessee, of course to Texas, then up to Pennsylvania, and all the way down to Florida. We have a decent chunk of the US covered. We are from all types of walks of life, religious upbringings, educational backgrounds, and a range of ages from 21-35. We are all VERY much different. Yet, the unity I was experiencing was unmatched. It was a moment of spontaneous afternoon worship that I felt the Lord whisper to me that our prayer for unity had been answered. 44 mouths were open and singing, but there was only ONE voice. One voice that was glorifying the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We had welcomed each other with open arms as Christ has welcomed us. It was simply beautiful and POWERFUL. H Squad, I love you. I am so thankful that we have 44 unique mouths that bring such beautiful things to the table, but I am even more thankful that we have ONE voice. By the blood of Jesus we have one voice and one heart beat that seeks to glorify our Father.
Thanks for that God. Thanks for unity.
Let’s freaking do this thing, H Squad.
Other highlights from Training Camp that I will be sharing more about soon:
– I got baptized!!
– I have my team! 5 amazing, encouraging, God fearing LADIES!!
– I experienced some SWEET sweet intimacy with the Father, Jesus, & Holy Spirit.
– Our leadership team is freaking incredible. God sure did bless the heck out of us with them.
more to come soon xo,
Thankful for ALL of the prayers, support, & love. None of this would be possible without each & every one of YOU!