I wish I had an answer or explanation for everything that happens. But when I think about having the answers it takes away from the mystery of God. Why/how could I trust a God that is 100% explainable. There would be no faith or trust. The relationship would be mechanical. Last week the mystery and beauty of my God came alive…and I’m still trying to figure life out.

Neisha takes the pictures and I shoot the video for the junior high camp center this summer. Last week we made an appointment to pick up a camp vehicle and take the 30 minute drive to a lake where the water sport kids hang out. We had a great morning watching the kids tube behind the speedboats. When they docked the boats Neisha and I waved good-bye and left. We’ve come to enjoy our drives to and from the lake because it gives us time to talk about life, God, the summer, or what life has beyond the summer.

As we were driving back to camp last week, ironically enough, we had been talking about past car accidents stories listening to Tim McGraw’s Live Like You Were Dying on the radio. A deer popped out and stopped in the middle of the road. (Literally as Neisha says it the deer magically appeared in front of our car.) My first reaction was to swerve and miss the deer. (I know, I know – it was among the top worst things I’ve done in the past week.) Neisha yelled to me that it was OK. The car went out of control and began to roll multiple times. As the car was rolling I remember sitting in the driver’s seat knowing I couldn’t do anything. I sat in silence and semi-expected heaven to come very soon. Then the car stopped. It landed on the passenger side. Neisha and I double checked if each other were OK about a hundred times.

After making sure the car was off I got out of my seat-belt and climbed out of the window which was totally empty of glass. Neisha was conscience but more shaken up. I had her stand up but she couldn’t crawl out of the car. She stood there with her hands bleeding and head down outside of the driver’s window. Everything that was inside the car was now scattered along the roadside. Fortunately the country road had no one else on it. I looked for my camera bag which had my cell phone in it. I called 911 to get an ambulance. I then called camp, our boss, then Neisha’s mom letting them all know what happened but more importantly we were OK. Two cars each with an elderly couple stopped to care for Neisha before the ambulance came. When the emergency people came they got Neisha out through the open back window while I was questioned about the accident.

She rode in the back of the ambulance as I rode up front to the hospital. The doctors and nurses rushed to take care of Neisha’s hands which were pretty cut up. Thankfully that was the extent of her injuries. At that time I refused treatment because I felt fine and was more concerned for my friend. (Couple days later I went back and found out I had a not-so-fun concussion I’m still dealing with.) I stayed with Neisha in her room as they were caring for her. Her mom came with a beautiful caring smile just grateful we were alive. Neisha’s mom joyfully preached to us in the hospital room about how God is in control. Tears came to my eyes praising the Lord that I was even able to talk with Neisha.

The next couple of hours as they were taking care of Neisha and assessing her situation I sat in the waiting room. It could have been scary and lonely but my friends and co-workers were lovingly displaying their caring hearts just by being there. I mostly sat in the arms of a dear friend (stubbornly) trying to convince myself I was OK. Considering the situation I still felt like I was sitting in the best place that afternoon being comforted by him. On the drive back to camp we sat there hand in hand. Small tears began rolling down my cheeks as I was thinking how great our God is. He knew this would happen and He’s still in control. He spared our lives and has greater things in store for us. He loves me. He loves me! He has every day of mine in His plan already laid out. If this is what it takes to bring me closer to Him than I am grateful.

After a Saturday of sleeping, Neisha and I made it to the all staff worship meeting on Sunday morning. A lot had happened around
camp and we were all invited for a time of prayer. They prayed for safety. Hmmm – I know my God is good and He is love but is He safe? Was Moses safe when he was told to part and cross the Red Sea? Was Daniel safe when we was thrown into the lion’s den? Was Stephen safe as he was being stoned for his faith? Was Jesus safe on the cross as our sacrifice? In the growing areas of China today are our Christian brothers and sisters safe? No. But if it brings me closer to Him than I want to be part of it.