Recently after realizing the lack of accountability in my life I noticed how I tend to pick up on the relationships of others to be encouraged with truth. Here’s a story that inspired me: (Names and faces have been changed/altered…enjoy)

Person A and Person B are concerned about their friend, let’s call him Person C. Person C is in a potentially great leadership position this summer that he is well qualified for. Unfortunately, Person A and Person B can recognize the lack of self-confidence Person C has in his own ability. They can foresee the downfalls of their brother if he does not change: he will be taken advantage of, the people under him will adopt his negative attitude, people will start believing his self-proclaimed inadequacies. Person A and Person B know the potential for greatness in their friend and see their place to step in and say something to change his attitude or challenge him to move beyond and grow.

Now here’s where I saw A and B hit a small wall. They wondered if they
should say something. They don’t want to hurt his feelings. This is the part that I loved hearing! They didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Of course they didn’t. Deeply I believe that everything they were mentioning was motivated by love – they are followers of the Cross and so inspired to live by God’s love. So why stop now? Confrontation tends to be something most people shy away from. But when love and truth become your motivation why would you allow fear to trump them?

 God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and self-discipline.

(2 Timothy 1:7)

During our World Race training we had a session concerning conflict. Oooh…no, actually we don’t have to be afraid because when conflict comes the first thing I’ve learned recently is that it can and should be motivated and dealt with out of love because you care. Apathy is what you can be afraid of because it says you don’t care about the relationship.

Sometimes I let the storms brew inside. Even though I may want to yell and fight with people I stay silent and distant. Now getting the focus off myself I just want to show others love. Person A and Person B’s situation pushed me again to love in truth. Their motivation sparked a reason to approach those I care about – sharing the truth that God’s pressing on my heart to deepen the relationship.

Thanks A and B.