Talk about God moving mightily…

Yesterday during the Sunday morning worship at camp I was sitting quite still as about 900 junior highers were rocking it out all around me. Now, I’m not normally “calm” as I worship – I like to jump and dance and raise my hands. Being that I was working a camera on a platform high enough above the solid ground that if I fell I would have gotten a wee bit hurt – I decided to sit still as I worshiped.

As I sat there God came to me with a heavy burden for His people. I am so grateful when He shows me more of His heart for my own is not enough to love His people.  See – one time last year a friend of mine was sharing with our youth group the story of Jonah. As he explained the part where Jonah ran away it wasn’t necessarily because he was afraid but because he didn’t love the people as God loved them. It went something like that. The message hit me in a way revealing to me that sure I like God’s people but I don’t always love them.

And yesterday morning my heart got really excited when the Lord pressed it upon my heart how much He wants the souls of His children, He wants the hearts of His people. Jesus said in Matthew ”
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” He wasn’t joking. He really wants and deserves everything from us. I know I can’t put it into words how much He wants you – you’ll just have to listen and know for yourself.

So, I sat upon my post and loved the Lord for what He does and who He is with tears in my eyes. He enlightened me to the real meaning of being “sold out” for Him. You’re “sold out” – nothing else can take any part of your heart, it’s gone – it belongs to Him, He bought it. And, oh, how I love Him more than anything else in this whole world!