that, my friends, is a fun way of emphasizing the fact that you have not heard from me in what feels like even more than forever.

you might be curious and thinking: what’s been going on in your life? 

mm. yes. good question. answer is: so much. BUT, the main reason for this post is some EXCITING NEWS!!!

right now: I originally planned to be living in Thailand to serve for the summer, but as everyone’s did, my plans changed. In place, I have been given the wonderful privilege to be working at a small digital marketing and website design company! I am getting to utilize my newfound draw to graphic design and media design! I am also in summer classes, chugging along in college! I’m almost junior and a half these days and i cannot believe how fast it’s going by!

For the first time, I felt the pull in my heart to really use artistic passion to bring people into deeper intimacy with the Jesus my own heart loves so much. So, I’m choosing to be obedient to that pull and step out in doing that! It will be releasing on my instagram mid-june!

and the main news: at the end of this month, my slightly cooped up self will be headed to WISCONSIN to serve with worldrace on a very unique trip. 

There, my team and i will be partnering with a mission center dedicated to seeing their community thrive spiritually, emotionally, and physically. They provide programs, trainings and activities that are designed to be a catalyst to help their community members get connected, equipped and empowered to positively impact their own lives, community, and their world- together. 

More specifically, my team will be spending time investing in international college students working there for the summer. Around 4,800 International University Students from 56 countries travel to Wisconsin Dells each year to staff the tourist boom. We are going to make new friends and bring the hope of the Gospel with us! I am very excited to humbly serve, pour into this area, and see the Kingdom of God expanded in this place by partnering with what God has already begun there!

Very special intention has been put into planning this trip by AIM, to ensure that we are partnering with a ministry that can truly utilize us, as well as ensuring safety even in the midst of COVID still going on. COVID-19 has greatly affected the Wisconsin Dells community, and we believe that these circumstances have actually prepared and opportunity for us to bring the Gospel and expand the Kingdom there! 

Personally, I am eager to go. I have seen God grow me in miraculous ways since the last blog post I’ve written. I don’t know exactly why what’s going on in the world right now is going on, but I do know that it has provided me with such a time of growth and healing, and this opportunity to serve. I know that the Lord’s timing is without flaw, and I have no question this was His plan for me all along. Of course, I believe the Lord will stretch me and grow me in uncomfortable ways, I am doing my best to simply walk forward, unworried and unhurried. I am simply open and ready, content where I am, but more than willing to be used by God. 

I am confident the Lord has placed in me all that I need for this, and while I am unprepared in some ways I’m sure, I am ready for God to be glorified. and I am more than thankful for this opportunity to get to go. I am feeling transformed and filled, and while this year has had its major mountains, I am just amazed by the fruit it has brought. I am blown away daily, by what will do with a simple “yes.” 

My yes has brought me through mountains, valleys, wilderness, waters, and winds. All is well, God is being glorified. through every unexpected circumstance, He alone is sovereign. While we do not understand what is going on, we look to God for HIS perspective and keep our eyes open and body positioned, ready to run, eager to love, in whatever he asks us to do. We, as the Body of Christ, must be ready to love a broken world, knowing that God and His character is the only thing we have to offer. I am praying for you, your family, and your friends through this. Please also be praying for God to ready my heart to humbly serve in a new place next month.

Philippians 2:1-4

“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. ” 

In Him! 
