I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in the past couple of weeks. I was not sure if I was going to be able to stay in Thailand but my team and many other people pulled together on my behalf. Because of my wonderful team members and their amazing friends,family, and supporters, I now have enough funding to remain in Thailand for the month!

I was beginning to feel sorry for myself because so many other team mates have had funding poured into their accounts. God has just been so faithful and good! Then the other night the Lord just told me, I have not forgotten about you. So I knew that He had a plan even if I did not know what it was. The Lord put me on peoples hearts to pray for and on my way to Thailand I received an email saying I could stay.

So once again I just wanted to say thanks. It may be hard to believe (because I currently live on support from others), but it is really difficult for me to ask people for money or to even let people know that I am struggling and need help. So this whole experience has been very humbling. All that to say, please know how grateful I am. I may not always express it in the best way, but I am so blessed by everyone who has helped me along this journey. Praise the Lord for his provision!