Training Camp. Wow, where do I begin! The longest and shortest 10 days of my life (I didn’t know that was even possible). You get emotionally wrecked and rebuilt 1,000 times. You eat the weirdest things (crickets taste like sunflower seeds btw) and you meet some of the most amazing people ever (v squad I love you). Coming into training camp I knew it would be hard, I knew my living conditions weren’t the comfiest but I didn’t know how hard it would be. Yes we had to take bucket showers and the line for the girls was always 2+ hours, yes the bugs were loud/everywhere, yes the weather was bipolar and made me sweat more than I ever had and soaked everything else, yes I was hungry because petrified eggs aren’t the ideal breakfast (bring snacks), yes the hike was miserable (please practice before) but if you would have asked me on July 9th how much I predicted to grow in my faith, how much I believed I would learn about myself, and how many times I would cry, I would have never guessed this much. I’m filled with so much joy and love from these past 10 days. In the beginning of the week I was filled with so much fear. I was fearful of leaving my family for 9 months, I was fearful of having to give up everything, and I was mad that I was afraid because I knew I didn’t have to be. After many prayers and tears I was able to surrender it all. I allowed God to carry my fears for me and set me free of them. My advice for future World Racers is don’t let the Devil gain a hold of you. In these 10 days he will try to make you quit, make you not trust God, make you doubt, and make you fear but don’t let him have that power over you. You are stronger than you think and God’s got you. He’s ready to carry your burdens if you just hand them over. 

PS: I got baptized which was SO amazing!! God is so good:) 

PPS: The second picture is my sweet team. (from left to right) Cat, Kate (peaking her head out), Shekinah, Savanna, Kyla, Ellie, and Milena (in front). The most beautiful girls I’ve ever met, inside and out!