So thankful to have a God that always puts me first.

Unlike the people of this World who are more often than not, selfish and self centered, God will never treat you as a second option. He will never push you aside. He longs to have a meaningful relationship with you, with all strings and burdens attached. He doesn’t favor someone else’s problems over your’s no matter how small you may think it is. Even something as small as passing a math test, He is there, everything else can wait, because He chooses you, every time, over Himself.

So thankful to have a God who will never leave me/always forgives me.

For some reason we are convinced that to be loved by God you must be this “perfect christian” whatever that is. But that is so so far from the truth. When you sin against God it is easy to feel as if he will never forgive you, that you are a lost cause but I can promise you through all of it He will never leave you. No matter how far you wander from God He will always be waiting for you with open arms when you return. He would do anything to keep you near to him, to save you from the sins of the World. This is so evident on so many occasions throughout the Bible. However, my favorite way this is depicted is Matthew 18:12, “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hill and go to look for the one that wandered off?” Every single time without fail God would leave the ninety-nine just for you, to bring you home, no matter what.

So thankful to have a God who loves me for who I am.

Once again unlike the people of this World who will criticize your appearance, your personality, your past. Who will make you feel as if you need to be skinnier, you need to wear more makeup, you need a bigger butt, you need to be more outgoing, stop doing this and start doing that, God NEVER will. You are God’s beautiful creation, made in His image. What you believe are imperfections and flaws are where your true beauty lies and what makes you, YOU and makes you special. God loves you through the bad days, through the ugly don’t want to get up days, and through the good days too. He loves you through the trials, through your mistakes, and of course your successes. He doesn’t just love the easy to love parts, He loves all of you for who you are. We are each fearfully and wonderfully made; and His works are indeed wonderful. You will ALWAYS be loved by Him.

So thankful to have a God who never makes me feel as if I’m not good enough.

It hurts me to see so many people living in constant denial of their worth. For those of you reading, You are enough, a thousand times enough. And I’m sorry people make you feel otherwise. I’m sorry it’s easier for people to hate than to love. I’m sorry someone made you feel like you couldn’t. That you couldn’t pass, that you couldn’t make the team, that you would never reach that dream, that you were a failure. I’m here to tell you, You can. Because you are good enough and you are capable. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. -Philippians 4:13. You can do the impossible, so be confident in who you are and who God is, because no matter how many people are telling you that you aren’t good enough or capable of doing something The One who holds the stars in place and can perform miracles is telling you,”You are more than enough and you can!”

I’m SO thankful to be loved, forgiven, saved, and made by a perfect God who does all these things and SO much more!