in the 3 year old classroom we are learning about the stages of a butterfly. and while trying to think of a caption for these cuties the children’s book The Very Hungry Caterpillar came to mind. So here we go…
the very hungry caterpillar follows a little caterpillar and his journey to becoming a butterfly. before the caterpillar goes to rest in his cocoon he eats. A LOT! he eats an apple, 2 pears, 3 plums, 4 strawberries, 5 oranges, 1 piece of chocolate cake, 1 ice cream cone, 1 pickle, 1 slice of swiss cheese the list goes on and on. after each thing he eats he’s STILL hungry. all that food finally catches up to him and he feels sick. he makes his cocoon says goodbye to being a caterpillar and then hatches into a beautiful butterfly..
in our walk with God we often try to satisfy our earthly wants and desires with other things above Him. however, NONE of those things ever truly satisfy our souls. eventually those things will pass or grow boring and we will seek new things and still not feel full. it’s not until we reach the point of dying to ourselves and our worldly desires that we will ever be truly satisfied and get to live out our full potential that God has planned for us. “therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things are passed away; behold, new things have come.” -2 Corinthians 5:17.
you were meant to be so much more than just a caterpillar. let go of all the temporary satisfactions you are holding onto for fulfillment. let God fill you and set you free. be that beautiful butterfly God has made you to be!