i am officially fully funded!!! i can’t thank you all enough for all of your love, prayer and financial support. thank you for fighting for me to stay where i know i’m suppose to be. thank you for being apart of spreading the kingdom and reaching those who need to know what unconditional love is and hear about a hope that’s never ending. 

God has seriously been moving in insane ways these past 6 months starting in Ecuador then Peru and now Guatemala (oh and even when we got stuck in Colombia for a few days lol). from physical healing to renewed relationships. from people coming to know christ to burdens lifted. God has made himself evident in every encounter. 

this life that i’m so blessed to live has been the biggest craziest blessing i could have ever dreamed of. ministry has been construction for a sex trafficking safe house and getting to bring protection and love to young girls who were robbed of a childhood and had a twisted idea of what love really is. it’s looked like soccer with kids who needed a friend or a funny gringa to compete against. it’s been playing volley ball with women who needed a laugh and to feel seen. it’s been being a teacher assistant and sharing ice cream after class and participating in crazy school programs. it’s looked like organizing the same cabinets for weeks at a school to make someone else’s day a little easier. it’s looked like teaching english and a bible study to the cutest students a teacher (who’s not really a teacher) could ever ask for. it’s looked like house visits with lots of unknown food but the most incredible people who were only strangers for a minute and then became a friend. it’s been playing chubby bunny with your ministry hosts who have become your second parents and love you as their own.

my days are busy, awkward, unknown, and random. but so beautiful, pure, genuine, full of laughs and life and i am thankful for it every day. 

i am thankful for every one of you who has been apart of this journey and i can’t say thank you enough times but i really mean it and appreciate it from every bit of my heart. i hope you see my pictures and not only see people but you see the kids and women and men who’s smiles are so much brighter, i hope you see the people’s hearts that were changed, i hope you see people learning what real love looks like, i hope you see people realizing their worth after so many years of them believing they were worthless, i hope you see orphans who no longer feel abandoned but Fathered by a Dad who will never leave them, i hope you see hope restored, i hope you see eyes that are opened and now see so much light in a dark world, i hope you see people who are empowered. 

what you have supported is so much more than a trip for me and it’s so much more than a white girl coming into these people’s villages, this is a life style, this is a life and transformation for so many worth celebrating. it wasn’t just you giving me the little extra cash you had because you felt obligated to or like you could spare a little, this is peoples eternities being forever changed. this isn’t just you praying for your friend, daughter, sister, family member or stranger as she goes to another country and leaves the comfort of her home, this is a chain reaction that is effecting more than just little Brittany Standridge. the money you gave today alone effected the 120 students and staff i hugged goodbye at the school i worked at, it effected my ministry hosts  (Second parents and sister) Angel, Elsa, and Mishel. it effected the students who came to my bible study. it effected the people walking down the street and at the tortilla place. it effected the people on three different buses home. it effected the 40 people on my squad. it effected the staff at the base. it effected the people at La Fonda (cafe) where i got hot chocolate and wifi to talk to my mom. it effected my family back home. and it didn’t just stop at the people i talked to. those people i talked to or waved at went and did the same to someone else or even just extended kindness to those around them and tomorrow those people will talk to someone else and it will continue forever and ever. so thank you and i hope in reading this you are able to understand a little more on how big of a difference you have made by donating or praying for me. you are helping change the world. you are world changers.