Hey guys!

My name is Brittany Standridge, I’m 18 years old and I am graduating from Summit High School. I currently live and have been living in Spring Hill, Tennessee since July of 2014. However, I was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina.

So enough about who I am and on to why I have this blog and what God has got planned for me.

As always God’s plan is far better than what I have in mind. He never fails to make that evident in my life. My life has been full of plot twists, at least to me it has, but He had everything planned out way before I came along. Everything that’s happened has been a part of God’s perfect plan and I love seeing what he has in store for me. 

So, here I am about to pack up and leave the comfort of my home and family and go around the world for 9 whole months with only a backpack’s worth of clothes and equipment! Crazy! I know, didn’t see that one coming. I’m overjoyed for this opproutinuty and can’t wait to see how God uses me to reach his people and how he uses them to touch me as well. 

I would really appreciate your prayers as I leave on this incredible adventure. If you would like to follow me and the great things He has in store for me please tag along on my journey. I will be posting to this blog as frequently as possible.

See you soon America, God’s taking me out of my comfort zone for a little while! 🙂