So here I am in Dublin, Ireland….
How crazy is that!?!? 
Sometimes I don’t think it’s truly hit me that I have even left home. This whole thing feels like a dream and it passes by FAST! This week I have gotten to meet so many people who I have read their blogs, watched their videos, cried and just felt like I have known them for months… It was nice to actually meet them! 
I learned so much this past week. God is doing some major rearranging in my heart (Even in the things I didn’t know existed… I can feel him full force now)
I have realized that this race is really nothing in the big picture. I realized a very scary thing this week… not only was I called to this race, I was called into the ministry so no matter how long I stay here, as soon as I leave… I’m not going to stop.
I have been forever changed…
There is no turning back…
This isn’t just a mission trip…
I now know things about this world and I can’t go on with fighting for justice and the kingdom…
I’m in this thing for life baby…
Deep breath…
Here we go….