I’ve been living in a village for 2 weeks now and as I am changing ministry sites and moving my team to the City of Ubon, a little piece of my heart aches. 

My Heart’s Current State:

This village is located in NE Thailand near the city of Si Saket. A few teams are located more centerally working with prostitution in the bigger cities, however, I have found myself debating which ‘minstry would be more difficult’. . . Working with the woman active in prostitution, or working with the pure, innocent, little girls in this village that in 10 years will head out for a career in selling their bodies. .

For me, It’s here. Moo is her name, (Pronounced Mo, not moo) she and one other little girl (Ooey) have STOLEN my heart. I mean absolutely without a doubt, when they’re around I drop what I am doing and just gravitate to them. They love me. I don’t mean that in a ‘ I am so cool, how could they not’ kinda of love. . but they seek out my attention, and I found myself soon after. . . seeking theirs. . 
So, as I shower out of a trashcan/bowl duo, sleep on the floor, eat ants, and unsafe amounts of rice (fried, sticky, and steamed) I somehow am overwhelmed with a type of Joy that only comes from a little child. . I find myself prayerfully batteling for their futures to not only be absolutely free from prostitution, but for them to be full of life, beyond my imagination. I pray the biggest prayer I can possibly comprehend, and then I say, “God, mulitiply that by infinity”. . . . They’ve stolen my heart. 

Thailand MUST Knows:

…Strange how quickly my “normal” has changed. Again. . the trashcan/bowl duo shower is now normal. It’s normal to freeze during that shower as well. 

…Sticky Rice bbq= Heaven in your mouth

…My thighs are looking great due to the squaty potty experience 

…Spiritual Warfare is present here-Pray against that

…I no longer fall asleep to my ‘rain’ machine, but instead, rats/birds/unknown animals running through the walls/celings

…Dogs sit and lay like humans. All of them.

…The word ‘Ugh’ in a somewhat grunt sound is universal for “Hello” “yes” getting someone’s attention, it’s a really attractive word to use ha ha

…Littering is Thai culture

…Roosters are officially THE most annoying animals ever created

…God is moving here–I am excited to be here for 2 more weeks!