You know when you start working on something, let’s say you like to paint or write. . something creative. . and you’ve got this pretty incredible piece of art or story written. . to the outsider, it’d be perfect. . . but to you. .the creator. . it’s not quite complete. . there is something unfinished about it? Have you ever felt this way?
Today we went to a church, it was like no other church I’ve seen here in Thailand. It was so big I had to tilt my head back to see it fully. It was beautiful on the outside, yet as we walked inside there were countless unfinished parts. . . exposed brick, support beams, and large blue pipes lined the ceiling, open airways where windows will soon be and yet I was still stunned at how incredible this unfinished church was.
(The pastor preached on how we are called to not be of the world, although we’re still in the world. . . it was encouraging to see his fighting passion for the few believers that filled this enormous structure)
My uncle was diagnosed with cancer earlier this month. . it’s been an interesting issue for my heart to wrestle with so far from my family, however God has given me an unspoken peace about this. . I found myself burning with the same passion this pastor had, as we are both fighting for victory over these ‘unfinished’ people. . I sat in this building completely awe struck with God’s relentless fight for us, his chosen ones, his children, his royalty. .
I stand in awe of God’s unfinished business around this world. . I am bringing words of life to the nations, fighting for them, for this is without a doubt where I am suppose to be. . . .With that, I am asking that you partner with me in the fight for my uncle, and these unreached nations. . My financial support is lacking, it’s unfinished, if you are able to support me, I ask that you do. I also ask that you Pray without ceasing, for that is what we are called to do. . Prayers beyond our control, powerful fighting prayers.
This is my unfinished business, Our creator is not done yet. Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done here.