
 What comes to mind first? Most likely money. . especially in this sort of ‘set up’. . .

this blog is not about money
I am overwhelmed by the amount of support I have gained through this experience already. . . (and to be clear–the financial account is empty at the moment) I am solely talking about emotional and spiritual support. I feel fully supported, which directly again confirms my place on this trip.

I am a visual learner, so let’s look at this bridge

Each part of this bridge is necessary, Right? The wooden planks are needed  in order to walk on, the supporting foundation beneath the planks, connected to either side of the riverbank, the hand rails to keep you on the bridge, maintain balance, and safety.

The support system of countless things in this world allow something to function. . . A bridge cannot be a bridge if not all of the supporting features are present. Like, a car cannot work without every intricate detail of an engine, nor can a book be read if the pages were all out of order and loosely thrown on a shelf. Each of these things needs support. From the planks of a bridge to the binding of a book, the basic support allows for greatness of the invention or creation.

I hope you see where I am going and hear what I am saying. . . if you’re reading this. . You’re my support. You are allowing me to be used for what I was created to do. You are allowing God’s invention of me. . to properly work. I am so thankful for the support I am gaining through this. . . I need you. Your prayers and encouragement is necessary in order that I maintain balance and stay connected with God during tough times. . . I am blessed with an opportunity of greatness, because of your partnership with God to support me.

I love you, truly, I Love each one of you whose felt a call to be apart of this. You are my support. God’s using you as my foundation, and words just cannot do justice to the way YOU are making me feel.

Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

LOTS of Love