When is the last time you fell to your knees in worship?
Not only fell to your knees. . .
But fell to your knees as tears stream down your face?
Can you recall a moment like that?

When you were truly overwhelmed by God’s grace and it caused you to collapse, falling to your knees worshiping him as tears stream down your cheeks. . .

Just between us. . . It happened to me this past weekend.

I mean, don’t get me wrong. .the worship band. . was incredible and obviously had a hand in this whole experience. . . but God showed up. . and in a BIG way that night.

A Leader and I had an opportunity to shower one of our sweet friends with love . . . tough love at that. . and speak truth into her life. . pray over her. . and just address some of those hard topics. . . Later that night. . during worship. . and the message. . these topics were discussed. . . When I mean God showed up. . he REALLY showed up. . . It was such an answered prayer that my sweet friend could truly grasp these concepts of grace. . .her worth in Christ. . and what it means to love.

Just between us. . . I’ve let go of any doubt about this trip. . instead of asking God. . “Are you sure. . I am the one you want to go do this?”. . . I’ve began THANKING him for a heart called to such an incredible purpose. . . Living radically didn’t begin in April when I was accepted to the race. . . Living radically began when I realized in this season. . of singleness. . and complete captivation of the Lord . . that nothing stands a chance against His Will for my life.

When I was tempted to stray, he brought me to my knees and assured me I was just where I needed to be and gave me the strength to stand.

A year or so ago. . . a family friend asked me:

“Brittani, what’s next. . who do you wanna work for?”

I replied


Just between us. . . I wasn’t so sure that was true when I said it. . Apparently now. . it is.

I couldn’t be more excited that for 11 months. . . I will have no other responsibilities than to seek the Lord. . to hear his voice. . see this world he’s created. . and love his people. . . how freaking awesome!!

Who are you working for?