Before The World Race my dreams were as follows:
 1. I’d love to open a children’s home-adopt lots of children and love the mess out of them, teach them about their creator, and just do life with homeless children. 
2. Establish my own stationary business selling individual cards, card sets, invitations, wrapping paper and an assortment of paper goods-through this, making a ministry of it and partnering with an overseas non-profit to send them a portion of sales.
 3. Go back to school for my MBA or possibly a pharmacy degree 

I arrived in India on my 23rd birthday with the world at my fingertips. . I felt so loved and encouraged in that moment, stepping off the most incredible plane ride and excited to start a new month with a team I had fallen in love with.

Month five of the race for me was one of favor

The Lord granted me
 a glimpse into a few
 of my own desires,
 what they’d look like
 in the flesh-
He breathed life into many curiosities of my mind

Jireh Children’s home was a safe place for these children, some fully orphaned, others semi-orphans. It’s pretty typical for parents to give up their children in this culture for a better shot at life, one that their actual parents would not be able to provide. These little men and women of God really moved me. God has a way of using children to teach me new things about my walk. . I was reminded of my muted dream, the one where I was given a heart for children just like these. 

It was not long before we were all circled in room doing crafts together. . and this meant making stationary. . . dream two. . Alive and real. . using dried flowers and pieces of bamboo to put my mind on a piece of paper, it was one of those moments where I stopped and watched the little hands around me tediously working with sticky fingers and too much concentration only to find out that they’d glued their pieces on the wrong side of the card. . . simple moments like this put an unspeakable amount of joy in my heart.

 I soon found out that our contact was involved with Young Life India and my heart was home.

From the ministry at the home, to an addiction center, to a Children’s AIDS hospice, Ministry in India was hands down my favorite month of ministry.

Culturally, I couldn’t have felt more disconnected. . but the Lord only gave me a sight for His plans. . for what He saw. . and I left with tears streaming down my cheeks. 

 The Lord Provides, he knows the desires of our hearts, he hears our prayers and he provides.