I am Falling In Love.
I don’t mean the flirty-crush ‘first love’ sort of love
but instead
Soul-mate, never let go, I need you in my life, forever sort of love.
With Jesus.
God has started a work in me that I pray will never cease to exist. It’s truth that God loves his Children unconditionally, supernaturally. . .
But it’s INTIMATE when the supernatural, undeserving, and unconditional love
is Tangible.
This intimacy, this love that I claim. . . is real. . I have for the first time in my life reached a season where I truly am falling in love with Jesus. . We are dating, We spend time together, He makes me laugh (which truly is the way to my heart) and He brings me to my knees sobbing at times. The idea, that God Loves me. . is no longer a concept but an emotion.
THIS LOVE IS REAL. The. . I want to get out of bed just to spend time with you. I want to please you, I want to serve you. I want to share moments of my day with You. I want to know you. . kinda love.
Do you?
The story of this woman, Grandma Clara planted a seed in my heart 2 years ago when I read this book “Crazy Love”
Now, I am in love with Jesus.