Fund-Raising is a humbling concept to wrap your mind around. . . If you’ve ever been called to missions and have gone through the process of fund-raising, you know what I am going through and the toll it takes on your heart. . .
Up and Down. . . you’re on fire for God. . and then discouraged. . and again thankful in the midst of finding yourself at a standstill. . . And you see through all of this that God does. . and will provide.
I sent out a round of letters. . thinking “This is easy enough. . Letters are out”. . how foolish I was to think that I had a hand in what the Lord would provide. . or that because of MY GREATNESS family and friends would just throw money my way. . Raising support is not about receiving a check or anonymous cash, but instead it’s about a calling.
As missionaries, we are called to Promote, Give or Go.
I feel led to GO.
I am now understanding that some feel led to Give.
Dave Ramsey mentioned the importance of change. . and if we are not responsible with change. . . . how will we be responsible with millions? (That was the gist anyway)
This is my newest campaign. .

Donate your change
So that through my hands we can change the
Through adventures in missions I will be embarking upon an
11 month long journey to 11 different countries to love and serve the people of
these countries, I ask for your support to help me meet my financial goal.
World Race
Nepal /Indonesia/ Malaysia/ Australia/ South Africa/ Mozambique/
Swaziland/Romania/ Ukraine/ Ireland
Follow my
journey @:
Corinthians 9:23
I will be placing a jar with this flyer on it at a countless number of Visible Changes Salons throughout Texas in hopes that my mother’s company will help me on this journey . . . I am asking for each of you to be prayerful . . that the Lord may use this as a stepping stone to further his purpose for my life, as well as, plant a seed in the hearts of those who come into contact with the idea of getting uncomfortable for the sake of the gospel. . . I hope to provoke questions and have the opportunity to share with individuals that I wouldn’t have encountered otherwise. . . I pray that this act in itself propels my fund raising as well as my ministry.
Any other fund-raising ideas would be GREATLY appreciated!
Hey. . . Thanks for loving me-Let’s Pray!