Let me Catch you up. . .

Apparently God has made clear his path for me the next 5 months and even though they are not identical to my own. . I am really excited about what is coming up!

Aug. 21st I will be moving back to Austin Tx. . . where my heart absolutely is! I will be taking ONE class in the fall and working full time. . not for the ‘dream job’ (Still praying that one will fall back into my hands one day) but for Visible Changes at Barton Creek!

I have started this Change for Change fund-raising campaign and have already raised $300+ in about 3 days from people’s CHANGE!!! (Nickles, Dimes, Quarters, OH MY!) So. . if you’re not on board with this yet. . I ask you to begin collecting your change in a jar. . or baggy and set it aside for this cause!! (The flyer is posted in my previous blog)

Once back in Austin I cannot WAIT to lead these precious girls for another semester. . . They have captured my heart and mean the world to me. . it’s not creepy that I actually want to HANG OUT with 14 year old girls. . . is it? Big smile I Love them!

Then it’s time for the race Come January 2011 . . . I will be gone until November 30, 2011. . .

Thanks again for loving and supporting me! God is revealing himself to me in ways that I’ve never experienced before and I cannot wait to share it with you, for now. . I am still grasping these new concepts and ideas and it feels good to go over them. . with no one but the Lord. . If you know me. . that is not something I do often. . just spend time with Jesus and not spill my heart to others. . it’s been incredible.

LOTS OF LOVE. . . I will whoooo you with some fancy story or experience soon, I hope haha!

And. . if you’re reading this and you’re not a subscriber. . . . BE ONE. .on the left hand side of my homepage. . you just type in the e-mail address!!